Dear Reader,
I'd like to invite you to participate in a special project that hands you a quick, easy, fun way to embrace a richer life overseas.
It's a tried-and-true way to put a truly resilient retirement plan in place, so that you can withstand the ups and downs and the unexpected—and still enjoy the comforts of a good life.
And we’re opening the doors for the next few days only.
It's really only suitable for a small number of our readers, but I'm talking about it here because I believe you may be among those who qualify.
Over the last few years, we've “trial-run” this project with a limited number of subscribers to great success.
Now, we’ve just updated and expanded it—and we'd like to open the door to a few more savvy folks, you among them…
That's why for a limited time we're inviting an exclusive group of readers to join what we call The Retire Overseas School—at half off the regular price.
It effectively gives you your own “go-overseas mentor,” making it easier, faster, and more straightforward to figure out your best path abroad.
I'll explain what it's all about in a minute.
But I should say up front here, first, that this is not something we'll "advertise" widely.
So if you'd like a chance at being one of the select few who benefit, stick with me here for just a few minutes, and I'll fill you in on all the details.
For starters, a quick question…
What would you do if you could spend your time any way you like?
No commute, no crazy boss, no long hours in the office…no cold weather, no winter coat…
Just you enjoying days that look the way you want them to look…in a place where you love to spend time.
Maybe you'd read lots of books—or write one…sail…paint…fish…learn a new language…golf…dive…travel for weeks or months at a time…
Now imagine if you could have that freedom to relax and the time to pursue your interests…
…PLUS have all the funds you need to afford that dream lifestyle…
Just think about what that would feel like.
You could have more fun…lower your stress level…feel healthier…and live comfortably in the knowledge that you wouldn't run out of money.
Now most folks will tell you that what I've just described is a pipe dream.
"It's a rich man's retirement," they'll say.
And off they'll trundle, back to the grindstone.
It's not surprising, really.
The vast majority of Americans have saved nowhere near enough to support a comfortable retirement Stateside.
So they're working longer, scrimping to save more, and resigning themselves to a lifestyle that's a lot more frugal than the one they'd hoped for.
What I'd like to show you today is how—in the right places overseas—you can enjoy a very good life in retirement, no matter how modest your bank balance may be.
I want to show you how you can create a resilient retirement.
In all kinds of places beyond our borders—beach towns, mountain villages, university cities, even big metropolises—you can spend less and live better.
That's the simple truth.
From Latin America to Southeast Asia to Europe—safe, welcoming, good-value places exist today…
![]() Whether you'd like beach living…a mountain escape…a big city apartment…a colonial can find it overseas…for less than it would cost you to stay home. |
Places where the climate will suit you…
Where you'll find the activities and distractions you enjoy…
And where the price to afford a good life is a small fraction of what your lifestyle costs you today.
Doesn't matter if you like the idea of decamping full-time or if you'd simply like an annual three-month holiday.
I'm talking about places where a couple can live comfortably for $1,650 a month (or even less), rent included.
On a budget of $2,500 to $3,600 a month, you and your spouse could live like royalty.
It means you could afford to do things like…
I'd like to show you how (and where) you can do that…and help you get there fast, easily, and enjoyably, too…
You might choose to spend time surrounded by the white sand, palm trees, and turquoise waters on the last affordable island in the Caribbean…
…where you can own your own place on the sand for as little as $160,000…
Or try on for size a two-bedroom condo a 60-second walk from the Pacific.
It looks like California (only it costs one-tenth the price)…so instead of a million or two, it could be yours for as little as $150,000…
Or maybe you'd like the sophisticated attraction of the "other" Switzerland—a big-value destination that offers far greater financial privacy than the States does…
…where taxes are negligible, and you can live a very "European" lifestyle.
A 2-story, 2-bedroom cottage with a carefully landscaped garden could be yours for just $220,000…
Then there's a university city that's been called "a kind of paradise," where cobblestone streets wind their way toward grassy riverbanks.
You don't need a car here…and the weather is agreeable year-round-lows in the 50s, highs in the 70s.
In this place, there's always plenty to do…symphony concerts…art and history museums…archaeological attractions…galleries…even a planetarium.
And a couple could live very comfortably here on as little as $21,000 a year, housing included.
Those are just four of the hundreds of good-value options you have around the world today.
But retiring overseas isn't just about stretching your dollars and creating a retirement that’s resilient.
The way I see it: That's simply the means to a better end.
Fundamentally, this idea of living a more international life—it's about improving your quality of life.
It's about living a richer life.
It’s about having the time to do what you want, when you want, with the people you enjoy spending time with.
That's what the big benefit is.
In the right places overseas, you can stop worrying about how you'll afford the life you want.
Instead, you can gain control over what your days looks like and start enjoying them in a way that you choose.
So you're not at the mercy of the retirement that gets dumped in your lap.
![]() In the right places overseas, you can enjoy a life rich with culture and adventure and spend less than you would to stay home. |
Instead, you gain the power to live the lifestyle you imagine in your mind's eye.
If you're looking for a little more adventure…an opportunity to meet new people…try new things…rediscover passions you'd forgotten about…
Then you're going to like this unusual enterprise we call The Retire Overseas School.
It's designed to "hold your hand" and help you embrace the good life abroad—in a way that's both tailored just for you…and also fast, easy, and fun…
Because life overseas really can be FUN.
As one expat we know put it...
"For a long time, 'fun' had not been a big enough part of our lives, so we adopted a slogan that continues to serve us well—Porque no?, which in Spanish means 'Why not?'
"By saying 'yes' as often as possible, we have been blessed with so many incredible friendships and adventures.
"We've headed out of town on buses not even sure of our destination, gone to so many amazing parties, and met so many interesting people.
"Living abroad has taught us to get out of our own way and not futilely attempt to be in charge of every detail.
"By knowing what we want—yet being open to all possibilities—people, events, and circumstances have regularly (and unexpectedly) made our lives more fun and enjoyable."
Spending time abroad opens the door to a kind of adventure that's hard to create at home these days.
I say that because it's easy to "get in a rut" and do what's expected…to proceed apace because you're in the habit of it.
In the wake of the pandemic, so many people—maybe you among them—are taking stock of where they are in life.
And lots are concluding: Something has to change.
I am sure I’m not alone watching the markets plummet this past week and thinking: “I’ve got to make sure I’ve got a viable plan in place that will allow me to retire with confidence (and comfortably) and not end up a burden on anybody.”
A like-minded friend of mine I was talking to about this added, “I want to ensure my kids and their kids will be OK, too. And that might well include an escape plan—not just for me in the short term, for retirement—but so I can lay a path for others in my family to follow, should they want (or for that matter, need) to in the years ahead.”
The Retire Overseas School can help make that change a reality for you.
It’s a way you can inject some excitement into your life…shake things up a little…
Going overseas does that for you…automatically.
You don't need to be rich and famous to do it.
And you don't have to upend your life entirely, either…there are lots of ways you can live internationally…
You could—
Here's the thing: A lot of thoughtful folks like you who are interested in a wider world, curious about the opportunities out there…
…they won't ever actually take the steps to embrace those opportunities.
They might read about places they'd like to go. They might talk about them at cocktail parties.
Yet for them this kind of exciting, travel-rich life is always a "someday" sort of thing…a "wouldn't it be nice" fantasy…
For you…it really could be your reality.
That's what The Retire Overseas School is designed to do…
…to take you from that "wouldn't it be nice" stage to actually living your dream life abroad.
Retiring overseas is a lot more accessible than you may think…
Living overseas can make your life a lot easier—and more pleasurable, too.
![]() Maybe you dream about your own beachfront escape…it's a lot more accessible than you might think. |
I say that because in the right places overseas life is just simpler…
Instead of the crazy pace…overseas you can slow down and savor life.
Dawn, an expat we know living in a Mediterranean town, is doing just that.
Now you might assume it's expensive to live on the Med—but not where she is in Spain.
Rent on her large 3-bedroom apartment is just $448 a month, a two-course meal with a bottle of wine can be had for $9, her combined phone, internet, and international TV package costs just $81 a month. As she puts it…
"I found life in the U.S. to be money-driven and stressful. Contrast that with the quality of life in my beautiful, new hometown…
"The low cost of living and the high-quality lifestyle means I can fill my days doing what I want. Mornings start with a Zumba class…
"I spend my afternoons enjoying a typically late and long lunch (almost always eating one of the many delicious fish or seafood choices).
"I may take my dog to play at the new dog park or take a siesta.
"As night approaches, I'll head out for an evening drink or meet up with friends to talk and dance… I've realized my dream of a simple, fulfilling life."
Bonnie, another expat we know, echoes the same sentiment from a little-known beach town in Latin America she calls home…
"I can live on about $1,000 (or less) a month…and I'm not scrimping. In fact, I can enjoy more here than I could in the U.S. when I had a great salary.
"I eat out when I want…travel around the country…visit the U.S. once a year…and generally have a better quality of life. The big stress factors of the U.S.-traffic, keeping up with the Joneses, and worrying about money, don't exist.
"Life here is easy, peaceful, and happy every day."
In many places beyond our borders, the pace is saner.
It harkens back to a simpler time.
Walter moved to Mexico, and he sums it up this way:
"Life here is like it was in the U.S. in the 1950s—simple and laidback. The significantly slower pace is probably the biggest benefit of daily life here. We eat better, we get more exercise, and our health has improved."
…which brings me to another benefit of life in the right places overseas:
It's better for you.
How would you like a diet plan that sees you shedding pounds without even trying?
You'd be amazed at how often readers who've landed abroad write to say that they've slimmed down—a happy side effect of life abroad…
And, really, it makes sense. After all…if you're living in a place where the weather is nice, you want to be outside more.
So that's what you do—you go outside…and you walk or snorkel or hike or swim or ride your bike.
In lots of places we recommend, you don't need a car to get by.
And that means you walk to get groceries more often than not or when you head to a restaurant for a meal.
Armand, a transplant to Las Tablas, Panama, says, “We have dropped an incredible amount of weight. And we’re not even eating as healthy as we ought to.”
Harry and Barbara report a similar experience since they moved to Grecia, in Costa Rica’s Central Valley. They’ve found that living like the locals—shopping at the local farmers’ market for fresh fruits and vegetables, for example—allows them to cut their monthly budget to well under $2,000. And, as Harry says, “I’ve lost 30 pounds since moving down [here].”
![]() The world is filled with communities where it's easy for expats to fit in, feel comfortable, live well…and spend less than you would back home. |
It's easy to be active.
And it's easy to eat well, too.
While processed foods certainly exist in the places we recommend, they're usually more expensive than the produce you'll find in the market.
So it’s cheaper to eat healthier.
In most places on our beat, fresh foods are grown without pesticides and chemical additives.
The milk, cheese, and eggs come from animals that have not been fed steroids.
And so the type of food that you'd expect to pay extra for at Whole Foods…can be yours overseas in the places we recommend for much less.
Two pounds of tomatoes for $1.26…a dozen eggs for $1.95…17 bananas for 50 cents…fresh raspberries for $1 a quart…
Diego and Kate moved to Medellin, Colombia and say, “Within the first six to seven months of living here, we each lost 10 pounds and kept it off—without even trying!”
When you turn your gaze to beyond our borders, you'll see options for better living that you just don't have at home…
Ways and places you can have more fun…simplify your life…feel healthier…live richer…
…and do it for less than it costs you to stay home, like…
You'll get the specifics about all of that—and lots more—when you participate in The Retire Overseas School.
And you'll get the tools you need to match up your dream lifestyle with a real-world place on the ground where you could make it your reality.
If you like the idea of doubling your retirement dollars in a place where your greenbacks buy two, three, even five or ten times more than they do right now, then you can't ignore the opportunities you'll find today around the world.
The truth is there has never been a better time in history to explore—and embrace—your options abroad. A hundred, 50, even 20 years ago, it was a lot harder to get around, took longer, required more gumption.
![]() Overseas, your options expand. You may think only the rich and famous can afford to live at the beach…but it's simply not true. |
Today, though, infrastructure on the ground is much improved. Traveling is easier, faster, and more comfortable than ever.
The Internet has knit together far-flung corners of the planet, which means you're never further than a Zoom call away from friends and family.
And many of your best overseas options today are just a quick hop by air.
So in a way, the world is getting smaller. But as it does, your options expand.
Think about it this way: Today, you could sit with your toes in a white-sand beach on the tropical island of Koh Phangan, which juts out of the turquoise waters off the coast of Thailand.
And there, on that remote dollop of sand, you could have high-speed Internet access on your iPad while you enjoy a fresh-made lunch of steamed rice, chicken, fresh vegetables, and a bowl of tasty soup—for less than $3.
The world-class view? Free.
Today all kinds of overlooked places are suddenly accessible—and easier than ever to visit or live in.
And they cost a small fraction of what you're used to spending at home.
Here's the thing, though…and I want to be frank about this: Retiring overseas isn't right for everybody.
You're still with me here, so I suspect it's something that might well suit you. But let me ask…
If you answered "yes" to three or more of those questions, then I'd say you're a prime candidate for life overseas…and The Retire Overseas School.
It's a way to jump-start your new life abroad in a place you love, where you can spend less and live better.
Whether you’re interested in doing it a few weeks a year—or full-time.
A place where you can create your own good life overseas…where the weather suits your constitution and where there's plenty you like to do to keep you busy.
You have lots of options abroad today—as I said earlier, more good options than ever before.
But trial and error, frankly, isn't the most efficient (or cost-effective) way to find the place that's right for you.
Now to be honest, that's how most folks go about it.
But I'd like to spare you the time, frustration, and funds that can cost you.
Instead, I'd like to introduce you to a better way.
![]() In the right spots overseas, you can afford to live better…enjoy an adventure…travel…meet new people…feel younger…have fun… |
A way you can get your questions answered…easily match up what you're looking for with a real place abroad…
…put a reasonable plan of action in place…and feel comfortable and confident about your new adventure overseas.
The Retire Overseas School puts you "under the wing" of our most seasoned editors, Dan Prescher and Suzan Haskins, who've been living overseas for nearly two decades now.
They're the authors of two books: International Living's Guide to Retiring Overseas on a Budget, and Live Richer, Spend Less.
And these guys know their stuff.
In The Retire Overseas School, they've created a way they can share those important nuggets they've discovered that can make all the difference for you between a frustrating experience abroad and one that's fun and easy.
They can't sit down with you in your living room—but this is, hands down, the next-best thing.
It all started when Suzan said to me over dinner one night, "If only I'd understood back in 2000 what I know now…we'd have gotten to this 'sweet spot' a heck of a lot faster…"
It got me thinking… Dan and Suzan have a wealth of hard-won, on-the-ground know-how that you could use.
I wanted a way they could debrief you…put you on the inside…
And essentially catapult you from where you are now to that "sweet spot" you dream about…
That way, you could fly right over the roadblocks they themselves had to find a way around.
So you could settle into the promise of a better life abroad seamlessly, easily, and enjoyably…
When you participate in The Retire Overseas School, that's exactly what you can do.
It’s akin to having a “go-overseas-mentor,” expert guidance and been-there-done-that help. A way to get answers to your questions so you can get to the spot that’s just right for you with confidence and ease.
Right now you can get half off the regular price of The Retire Overseas School during this special enrollment period.
In other words: Some folks will get distracted and miss out on their spot.
So I encourage you to act fast.
If you're intrigued by the idea of spending a lot less, yet at the same time living a lot better...
If you’re ready to put a more resilient retirement plan in place, but you're not quite sure how—or where—to make it happen…
Then I know that Dan and Suzan can help you.
Doesn't matter if you long to wake up to the sound of the waves sloshing gently on shore…
Or if you're ready to leave the stress behind…and sit on your balcony at sunset looking out at peaceful mountain peaks, a light sweater on your shoulders, cocktail in hand…
Or if you dream about the day when you can enjoy lunch at an elegant sidewalk cafe, revel in the sweet bustle of the city, and look forward to the opera you'll enjoy that night…
Whatever is in your mind's eye—whatever your ideal life looks like—they can help you find the place to make it real…
Because that place does exist—that place where you can live the good life for a lot less than you spend on your ordinary existence right now.
In the right places overseas, a couple can retire more comfortably than you ever could back home—for less than $1,670 a month, housing included.
To my mind, when it comes to an overseas adventure, the romance and the sense of freedom are automatically built in.
But the prospect of this great escape can be paralyzing. You fret, muse, research, dream…it can go on for years. (Maybe it already has!)
Being unsure about just a single, small detail can stop you in your tracks. You don't know what to do next, so you do nothing…
But it doesn't have to be that way for you. This time next year, you could be living way better than you are now…and spending less.
Because we're going to make it super easy for you.
We're going to give you a clear step-by-step path to follow that'll point you to exactly the place you're meant to be.
You could start living well—just like Lee and Peg do.
Retiring Overseas Is NOT an All-Or-Nothing Proposition You don't have to pull up stakes and renounce life "back home" entirely to start enjoying days at the beach…or having a housekeeper cook and clean a few times a week… Think about a part-time approach. Not only is it something easily arranged in just a handful of weeks… But in the right places overseas, I guarantee it'll cost you less to spend a month or two exploring a new community and trying on the expat life for size than it would to book a few weeks at the shore back home. One prospective expat put it plainly when he visited Ecuador last summer: "I could live for a month here and spend about the same amount as I spend on air conditioning alone every month in Phoenix." He's right. And Ecuador isn't the only place you can do it, either. As part of The Dream Retirement Project, we walk you through all kinds of options and teach you the best way to narrow down the spots most worth your attention. |
They escaped to a little highland town surrounded by peaks that reminds them of the Blue Ridge Mountains where they used to live.
Peg says they rent a three-bedroom apartment for less than $600 a month. They have a walled-in backyard that's 100 feet by 40 feet, where their dogs can play. For less than $20 a week, a woman comes in to clean. Neither Lee or Peg likes to cook, so they eat out every day—eating well, yet rarely spending more than $10 for a meal.
Or you could be enjoying life in the Caribbean, just like Mary and John are.
The couple spends part of the year in Belize. They rent a townhouse in a small complex on a private island for $3,000 a month, which is about what their Minnesota mortgage cost.
But here, they get so much more for the money: a beachfront home, utilities paid, a caretaker, and private boat service.
And life is good. The couple enjoys sports fishing, and John reads four to five hours a day. Mary stays busy snorkeling, sailing, fishing, kayaking, and exploring Mayan ruins.
“I no longer have a budget,” says Mary. “I don’t keep track. I don’t need to. I feel like we have exactly what we need and there’s always some extra at the end of the month.”
What they have…you can have, too.
And when you sign on to participate in The Retire Overseas School right now, we’ll show you how.
In The Retire Overseas School, Dan and Suzan answer questions and share secrets inside 8 beefy lessons.
For each, they walk you through what you need to know in videos and include written guides and how-to’s that go along with their talks.
Plus, they’ve brought in “backup,” too—tapping the expertise of additional experts from our International Living team.
You’ll find out things like—
It would cost hundreds of dollars—thousands, more realistically—to gather these secrets, tips, and techniques on your own…and that's if you knew where to begin.
But today they are yours as part of The Retire Overseas School.
As a participant, you'll "come along" as Dan and Suzan pull back the curtain and show you your best opportunities in the Caribbean, Europe, Southeast Asia, and Latin America.
I’m talking about retreats where you can live well…invest profitably…and create the kind of life you've always imagined…for a fraction of what you'd suppose it would cost.
![]() In all kinds of unspoiled corners of the globe, you can live large on less. Don't settle for the retirement you're handed. Embrace the one you dream about. |
You can compare and contrast one destination to another and be efficient about your overseas search. That way you're not wasting time with places that really aren't right for you.
In each country we recommend, we’ll drill down to show you the regions and communities where the least number of dollars buys you the best lifestyle.
Beaches…cities…mountain surrounds…colonial towns.
They're all places our correspondents around the globe have uncovered on your behalf. Places they investigated firsthand. Places where they themselves live and spend time…
Suzan and Dan will virtually "hold your hand" so you can quickly, efficiently, and enjoyably get from where you are now to living that life you imagine in your mind's eye.
And along the way, they’ll introduce you to some more of the experts on our IL team, like Jason Holland in Mexico... Laura Diffendal in Belize...Kathleen Evans in Costa Rica... Terry Coles in Portugal... Jessica Ramesch in Panama... Keith Hockton in Malaysia... and the list goes on.
They’ll each introduce you to their adopted home country and share with you insights about the best communities to consider for expat life, the cost of living, what life can look like day-to-day, and more.
I believe firmly that there is a place out there that's right for you…
A place where you can create your own good life overseas…
A place where the cost of living matches your budget, where the weather suits your constitution, and where there's plenty you like to do to keep you busy…
A place where you can embrace a retirement that’s not just enjoyable and affordable, but is resilient, as well.
Through The Retire Overseas School, Dan and Suzan will help you get there.
And even though the regular price to participate in The Retire Overseas School is $199…you can be part of it all today for just $199.
And frankly, I'm not sure when we'll open enrollment at such a deep discount again.
We've enlisted all our resources to pull together The Retire Overseas School, and that doesn't come cheap.
Each year we spend more than $800,000 to fund the correspondents and editors we have on the ground all around the world and who investigate destinations on your behalf.
We do it so you don't have to. This project really is special.
It's the culmination of more than 40 years of hard-won, real-world experience.
Our editors here at International Living don't just talk the talk, they walk the walk.
Suzan and Dan have themselves have lived in and traveled extensively through the countries that we recommend...
...they've bought and sold property, they've rented, they've renovated...
...they've moved pets, gotten teeth fixed, had surgeries… they know more than a thing or two about successfully navigating (and embracing) an enviable life overseas.
I can say with confidence that you won't find a better way to help you investigate your best options abroad today than with The Retire Overseas School.
I'm prepared to give you access to all of Dan and Suzan's best intelligence. Plus all the insights the rest of our IL team shares, too.
They're going to set you up to jump-start your life overseas and take you from "dreamer" to "doer."
And that's not all.
When you "raise your hand", and let me know you'd like a spot in The Retire Overseas School at more than 50% off, we'll include all sorts of digital extras as well…
We'll issue each new participant a guide called Easy Shortcuts to the Good Life (value: $19.95). In it you'll discover secrets like…
In Easy Shortcuts to the Good Life we make it easy to find the place that's right for you and take the next steps with a sense of confidence.
This report is valued at $19.95. But it is yours today, free, when you register to participate in The Retire Overseas School.
And when you claim one of the available spots right now, I'll toss in another bonus on top of that…
As an added incentive to put your name on the participant list today, I'll toss in a $100 Event Voucher good toward any of our live events.
There's no expiration on it…so you can use it anytime.
And I'd like to note that, in fact, if you DO use it, it means I'll have essentially paid you $1 to participate in The Retire Overseas School.
Just think about it: You take me up on this special offer and you get to be a part of The Retire Overseas School for $199.
In turn, I give you $100 to use toward one of our events.
This $100 voucher is yours to keep, no matter what.
And that's not all!
Respond while this special offer is on the table, and I'll send you something else, too.
Take action right now and join IL's Retire Overseas School—and when you do, I'll also send you another useful guide called How to Buy Right and Boost Your Rental Income Anywhere in the World (value: $29.95).
It is easier today than at any other time in history for small investors like you or me to make strong gains from renting real estate out—particularly short-term.
And one of the best ways to fund a more international life—particularly if you’re not ready to go abroad full-time—is to own a place overseas that you can enjoy a few weeks a year and which pays for itself when you’re not there.
My colleague Ronan McMahon, an international real estate expert at the helm of Real Estate Trend Alert and a contributing editor to International Living, put this special report together to show you how it’s done.
Inside, he shares the six important steps to take to ensure you’re set up with a property poised to produce strong rental returns.
You’ll find out the best kind of properties to own (1-bed and studio v 2-bed and why and when one can be better than the other).
What you need to watch for in markets where you’re thinking about buying something—because one critical element can make all the difference.
And lots, lots more...
When you let me know you're interested in The Retire Overseas School today, we'll include How to Buy Right and Boost Your Rental income Anywhere in the World (value: $29.95) for you at absolutely no charge.
Really, there's no reason not to give it a try…I say that because this special offer comes with a rock-solid guarantee.
In fact, a three-part guarantee.
Guarantee # 1—I guarantee this special online program will help you find an escape that's right for you abroad. A place where you can live better than ever…stretch your retirement dollars…and have the time and funds to travel, relax, enjoy life…a true “resilient retirement” plan.
Guarantee # 2—I guarantee you'll find through The Retire Overseas School the real-world solutions you need to get from where you are now to where you want to be. But if you feel the solutions Dan and Suzan deliver aren't for you, simply let us know within 30 days and we'll give you a full refund. No questions, no problem. So the risk is all ours.
Guarantee # 3—Should you decide to ask for a refund, you have, as I said, a full thirty days to do it. And regardless, you can keep Easy Shortcuts to the Good Life, the $100 Event Voucher, and the fast-reply bonus, How to Buy Right and Boost Your Rental Income Anywhere in the World too. And they're yours to keep, no matter what…
With this special offer today, you can secure a place in The Retire Overseas School and receive resources with a value of $348—revealing secrets, strategies, solutions, and smart ideas you'd spend tens of thousands of dollars gathering on your own—all for just $348 $199.
But you need to act fast.
Click "Add to Cart" now to register so you don't miss this opportunity.
Here at International Living, we believe the world really IS alive with opportunity and adventure.
We take it as our mission to show you where—and how—you can best embrace it.
By participating in The Retire Overseas School, you gain a "virtual mentor" as Dan and Suzan show you how to cut through all the clutter out there to home in on the places that make the most sense for you.
Then they hand you the step-by-step guidance you need to get there…fast.
You'll get your questions answered. You'll come away with a clear understanding of what you should do first, second, third, and so on.
With The Retire Overseas School, we're handing you our best expert guidance about all of the amazing ways you can embrace an adventure-filled world and live better than you do now…without spending a fortune.
Suzan and Dan are "standing by" to help you do it. Just click the "Add to Cart" button now to get started today.
When you join The Retire Overseas School, you'll gain insight into how it's possible to live a life of luxury even on a Social Security check alone…
You'll see that in the right places—places where the living is good and the prices are low—you can have a housekeeper, a gardener, a personal chef, or even a private driver…without breaking the bank. When $60 a month will pay for somebody to help a couple times a week, why not have them do it?
In the right places, you can spend much less than you do at home—only watch your lifestyle expand.
You can afford to relax. You can afford to enjoy your days.
I'd like to show you how (and where) you could create your own "good life" in a place you love…
I'd like to show you how you can get there quickly, easily, and enjoyably, too…
Simply click the "Add to Cart" button to enroll in The Retire Overseas School.
I know you're going to be impressed by what you see.
Jennifer Stevens
Executive Editor, International Living
December 2022
P.S. Don't delay…click "Add to Cart" to enroll in The Retire Overseas School now.
Altogether, this unusual deal hands you more than 40 years' worth of live-abroad solutions, recommendations, and expert guidance to help you effortlessly find the spot that's a good fit for you…and get there with ease…
With this special offer you'll pay just $199 for your spot in The Retire Overseas School.
Just take a look.
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But to participate, you have to enroll. Click “Add to Cart” now to get started.